
Kullmann, P.H.M., Wheeler D.W., Beacom J. and Horn J.P. (2004) Implementation of a fast 16-bit dynamic clamp using LabVIEW-RT. Journal of Neurophysiology, 91: 542-554.  pdf

2. Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2004) G-clamp program software, version 1.2. Zipfile

3. Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2004) G-clamp: User's Guide, version 1.2.  pdf

4. Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2004) G-clamp: Programmer's Guide, version 1.2. pdf

5. Wheeler, D.W., Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2004) Estimating use-dependent synaptic gain in autonomic ganglia by computational simulation and dynamic-clamp analysis. Journal of Neurophysiology, 92(5):2659-71. pdf

6. Wheeler, D.W. and Horn J.P. (2004) Neurosim 1.2 program software. Zipfile

7. Wheeler, D.W. and Horn J.P. (2004) Neurosim 1.2 User's Guide. pdf

8. Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2006) Excitatory muscarinic modulation strengthens virtual nicotinic synapses on sympathetic neurons and thereby enhances synaptic gain. Journal of Neurophysiology, Epub September 2006. pdf

9. Kullmann, P.H.M. and Horn J.P. (2007) G-clamp version 2.0.1: program software and documentation.